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Planning for Success

The first thing most people will do when they are thinking about purchasing an investment property is to go and speak to their bank, or a mortgage broker, to see how much they can borrow. This is not the first thing we do.

We begin by helping you take a fresh look at your current financial position, and what your goals and objectives are.  We help you consider the essentials, including:

  • Defining your financial goals with a timeline to achieve them;
  • Deciding when you will retire and working out how much retirement income you want / need;
  • Advice on how to retire debt free

In doing this, we make planning a priority. As they say, 'fail to plan and you plan to fail.'

Your plan will consist of:

  • How to legally minimise your tax
  • How to pay off your home quicker, possibly within 10 to 15 years
  • How to build a property port folio
  • An exit strategy so you are debt-free when you retire

If an investment property is not right for you now, we can work with you through our “credit coaching” to help you get you in position to achieve your goals and objectives in the future.